Please would the following people contact
Dr. Whitehead:

Former PhD Students:

Ruth Marian Clipsham
Yufei Guo
Marvin Kaplansky
Slaven Suba
Geoffrey D Zeiss

Former Undergraduate Research Students:

Patrick Alleoud
Stephanie Atherton
Kevin Bhandar
Paul Desmier
Terry Paolin
Brian Rooney
Joan Shea
Gaelle Thau
Joe Todd


M.A. Whitehead
Professor Emeritus

B.Sc. (University of London, Queen Mary College, 1956)
Ph.D. (University of London, Queen Mary College, 1960)
D.Sc. (University of London, 1974)
Postdoctoral Fellow (University of Cincinatti, 1960-61)

F.C.I.C. :: F.R.S.C. (UK) C. Chem. :: F.R.S.A.
Fulbright Fellowship, 1960-1962

Visiting Erskine Fellowship University of Canterbury,
Christchurch, New Zealand, 2000

Director, Canadian and International Constituency Group, Sigma Xi (2002-2006), McGill-Montreal Chapter

Chair, Montreal School of Theology (2006 - 2009)

Director, Canadian Christian and Scientific Association (1998 - )

Honorary Chairman, Fundamental and Applied Pulp and Paper Modelling Symposium, Three Rivers, Quebec, Canada, 27-29th. August, 2008

Advisor, Fundamental and Applied Pulp and Paper Modelling Symposium, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August, 2011

Visiting Professor at CERMM, Concordia University(2005-

Now that the experimentalists in nanotechnology and self-assembled systems are moving single atoms to form molecules, theory becomes even more fascinating. Quantum Theory not only explains in detail what is observed but more  importaintly Quantum Theory can now describe new, original, fundamental experiments to be done which will give thoroughly reliable and accurately predicted results.Quantum Theory can insure Green Chemistry experiments and techniques to be energetically cheap and  environmentally acceptable. It can predict and help design pharmacological molecules and predict chemical properties of molecules before they are synthesized. We use Molecular Mechanics and Quantum Chemical Modelling to understand and predict protein denaturing, chemical and physical properties of dendrimers, the formation of tin alkynyl surface absorbed photo switches and the self-assembly of alternating copolymer in nanostructures. In the pulp and paper industry, we have made use of Molecular Modelling to understand the chemistry behind their procedures and guide the industry towards improving their cost and environmental impact.

Researchers in any field should make use of Quantum Theory to give insight and guidance in their experimental research. A joint PhD in Experimental Research and Quantum Theory fits the Researcher for independent research in the 21st Century. Interested candidates should contact Prof. M.A. whitehead.

Whitehead Group Contacts

Prof. M.A. Whitehead
Department of Chemistry
McGill University
Otto Maass Chemistry,
801 Sherbrooke St. West,
Room 125,
Montreal, Quebec,
H3A 2K6, Canada.

Office: (514) 398-6239
Lab: (514) 398-6905
Fax: (514) 398-3797
